18 | Sports

Today you will learn 5 new English words related to "Sports"


Exploring “sports” is a fantastic topic for you as an ESL learner! Not only is it a fun and engaging subject for conversation, but it also helps build vocabulary related to teamwork, competition, and physical activity. Plus, sports are a universal language – understanding them can open doors to socializing with native speakers and participating in local activities. Sound interesting? Well, let’s jump right in!

In today’s lesson, you’re going to have:

  • 5 advanced English vocabulary words about Sports.

  • 15 examples of phrases that you can use on a daily basis.

  • Eye-catching images will help you learn and retain the vocabulary.


1. Foul



An action in a sport that breaks the rules, often resulting in a penalty for the offending player or team.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. The referee called a foul on the defender for pushing the attacker in the penalty box.

  2. A technical foul in basketball penalizes players for unsportsmanlike conduct.

  3. Avoiding fouls is important for staying in the game and not giving your opponent an advantage.

2. Rally



A period of successful play in which a team scores several points in a row.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. The tennis player fought back from a deficit with a late-game rally to win the set.

  2. The volleyball team needed a strong rally in the final set to secure the victory.

  3. A successful rally can boost team morale and change the momentum of the game.

3. Bracket



A system used in tournaments to show how teams are paired and progress through the competition.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. The NCAA basketball tournament uses a single-elimination bracket.

  2. You can find the March Madness bracket online to see who's playing who.

  3. Seeding teams in a bracket determines who gets a harder or easier path to the championship.

4. Underdog



A team or competitor that is expected to lose a game or competition.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. The underdog team surprised everyone by pulling off an upset victory.

  2. Many fans love to root for the underdog because of the potential for an exciting upset.

  3. Despite being the underdog, the boxer went the distance with the champion.

5. Sportsmanship



Fair and honest behavior in playing a sport.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. Good sportsmanship means respecting your opponent and the officials.

  2. The coach emphasized the importance of sportsmanship to his young players.

  3. Sportsmanship is just as important as winning in any sport.


Sports are a great way to learn more than just winning and losing. Even an underdog team, with a lucky draw in the tournament bracket, can use a strong rally to overcome the favorites! But it's not all about outscoring your opponent. A cheap foul at a crucial moment can hurt your team's momentum, just like arguing with the referee. Remembering to show good sportsmanship, even in the heat of competition, is what makes sports enjoyable for everyone.

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