23 | Fitness

Today you will learn 5 new English words related to "Fitness"


You, as an ESL learner, can benefit greatly from studying “fitness”. Learning about different exercises expands vocabulary, while discussing fitness goals practices using those words in a social context. Fitness knowledge can also improve comprehension of health news articles or discussions about healthy lifestyles, promoting overall well-being. These new words will definitely come in handy for talking about “fitness”. Let’s jump right in!

In today’s lesson, you’re going to have:

  • 5 advanced English vocabulary words about Fitness.

  • 15 examples of phrases that you can use on a daily basis.

  • Eye-catching images will help you learn and retain the vocabulary.


1. Endurance



The ability to exert oneself physically for a long time.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. Running a marathon requires a high level of endurance.

  2. Building endurance allows you to exercise for longer periods without getting tired.

  3. Yoga can improve your flexibility and endurance.

2. Reps



Short for “repetition”. The act of repeating an exercise or movement a specific number of times.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. He completed three sets of ten reps for each weightlifting exercise.

  2. Focusing on proper form is more important than the number of reps.

  3. High-rep exercises help build muscle tone.

3. Cardio



Short for cardiovascular, referring to exercise that strengthens the heart and lungs.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. Swimming is a great low-impact cardio exercise.

  2. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio most days of the week.

  3. Regular cardio exercise can improve your overall fitness level.

4. Warm-up



To prepare your body for exercise with light activity to increase blood flow and reduce the risk of injury.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. It's important to warm up before each workout to avoid injuries.

  2. A light jog or some dynamic stretches are great ways to warm up your muscles.

  3. Never skip your warm-up, even if you're short on time.

5. Cool-down



To gradually decrease the intensity of your workout after exercise to allow your heart rate to return to normal.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. Don't forget to cool down after your workout to help your body recover.

  2. A brisk walk or gentle stretches are perfect for cooling down.

  3. A proper cool-down helps prevent muscle soreness.


A safe and effective workout routine requires planning beyond just the main exercises. Before diving into those high-rep sets, a proper warm-up is crucial to prepare your muscles and joints. This could involve light cardio like jogging or jumping jacks, followed by some stretches. After pushing yourself to your limits, don't forget a cool-down! This helps your heart rate return to normal and reduces muscle soreness. By incorporating a warm-up/cool-down and focusing on building both cardio endurance and strength through repetitions, you'll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals.

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