19 | Wildlife

Today you will learn 5 new English words related to "Wildlife"


“Wildlife” is a fascinating topic for you as an ESL learner because it not only expands vocabulary, but also environmental awareness. By understanding the threats wildlife faces, you can engage in conversations about conservation efforts, making you a more well-rounded English speaker and global citizen. Today’s vocabulary will help you have deeper, more meaningful conversations about “wildlife”. So, let’s jump right in!

In today’s lesson, you’re going to have:

  • 5 advanced English vocabulary words about Wildlife.

  • 15 examples of phrases that you can use on a daily basis.

  • Eye-catching images will help you learn and retain the vocabulary.


1. Conservation



The protection of wildlife and their habitats.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. Wildlife conservation efforts aim to ensure the survival of endangered species.

  2. Protecting natural habitats is crucial for wildlife conservation.

  3. Everyone can participate in conservation efforts, even through small actions like recycling.

2. Nocturnal



Active at night and sleeping during the day.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. Owls are nocturnal birds with excellent night vision.

  2. Many insects, like moths, are nocturnal creatures.

  3. Some animals are nocturnal in order to avoid predators that hunt during the day.

3. Endemic



Native to a particular place and found nowhere else in the world.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. The koala is an endemic mammal found only in Australia.

  2. The Galapagos Islands are home to many endemic species of animals.

  3. Protecting endemic species is important for maintaining biodiversity in specific regions.

4. Amphibian



An animal that can live both on land and in water, such as frogs and toads.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. Amphibians play an important role in the food chain, connecting aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

  2. Amphibian populations are sensitive to changes in water quality and pollution.

  3. Many amphibian species undergo metamorphosis, where they change form from aquatic larvae to land-dwelling adults.

5. Reptile



A cold-blooded animal with scales, such as lizards, snakes, and turtles.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. Reptiles are found on all continents except Antarctica and play a vital role in their ecosystems.

  2. Snakes are unique reptiles that lack limbs and use their bodies to move around.

  3. Some reptiles, like crocodiles, have remained relatively unchanged for millions of years.


Protecting wildlife diversity is crucial for a healthy planet. From the scales of a sunbathing reptile to the slimy skin of an amphibian, every creature plays a role. Many amazing species are endemic, found only in specific regions. Protecting these unique animals, like the brightly colored poison dart frogs of Central and South America, becomes even more important. Nocturnal animals, like owls with their silent flight, also contribute to the balance. Conservation efforts focus on safeguarding these creatures and their habitats, ensuring a vibrant and thriving natural world for generations to come.

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