26 | Personal challenges and successes

Today you will learn 5 new English words related to "Personal challenges and successes"

Personal challenges and successes

“Personal challenges and successes” are valuable topics for ESL learners like yourself. Not only does it expose you to vocabulary related to overcoming obstacles, but it equips you with the vocabulary needed to navigate your own challenges. How awesome is that? Overall, this topic empowers you to understand challenges and develop the tools to overcome them. So, are you ready to level up your English and tackle personal challenges like a pro? Then today's vocabulary has you covered! Let’s jump right in!

In today’s lesson, you’re going to have:

  • 5 advanced English vocabulary words about Personal challenges and successes.

  • 15 examples of phrases that you can use on a daily basis.

  • Eye-catching images will help you learn and retain the vocabulary.


1. Perseverance



The continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. Her perseverance in learning a new language finally paid off when she became fluent.

  2. He faced many setbacks, but his perseverance ultimately led him to achieve his goals.

  3. Perseverance is key to overcoming any personal challenge.

2. Determination



A feeling of being firmly decided to do something.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. Her determination to succeed drove her to work hard and never give up.

  2. He approached the challenge with unwavering determination.

  3. Achieving your goals requires determination and a strong work ethic.

3. Setback



A temporary defeat or delay in progress.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. Don't let a single setback discourage you from pursuing your dreams.

  2. Facing setbacks is inevitable, but what matters is how you bounce back.

  3. Learning from your setbacks can help you become stronger and more resilient.

4. Accomplish



To successfully complete a task or achieve a goal.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. She accomplished her dream of traveling the world after years of planning.

  2. They accomplished their fundraising goal by working together as a team.

  3. Accomplishing your goals provides a sense of satisfaction and pride.

5. Milestone



An important stage or event in the development or progress of something.

📄 Example Sentences:
  1. Graduating from college was a significant milestone in her life.

  2. Completing a marathon is a personal milestone for many runners.

  3. Celebrating milestones along the way keeps you motivated on your journey.


Our journeys are rarely smooth. We all face setbacks and moments of doubt, but it's through perseverance that we can truly shine. Imagine finally accomplishing a long-held goal, perhaps landing your dream job or completing a grueling marathon. Reaching these milestones is a testament to the determination you poured into the process. Every challenge overcome, every obstacle cleared, strengthens your resolve and builds resilience. Remember, setbacks are not roadblocks, but opportunities to learn, adapt, and come back even stronger. So, the next time you face a hurdle, embrace the challenge with unwavering determination, for the greatest victories often lie just beyond the perceived limits.

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