20 | Self reflection

Today you will learn 5 new English words related to "Self reflection"

TODAY’S TOPIC: “Self reflection”

“Self-reflection” is a valuable topic for you, an ESL learner, to study and understand as it provides a pathway to not only personal growth, but linguistic growth. Engaging in self-reflection will allow you to evaluate your language proficiency, identify areas of improvement, and set realistic language-learning goals. Get ready to boost your language skills and have exciting conversations about "self-reflection" with today's vocabulary! Let’s jump right in!


1 | Introspection

  • Part of speech: Noun

  • Definition: The examination of one's own thoughts, feelings, and mental processes.

  • Example Sentences:

    1. Regular introspection can lead to a better understanding of personal motivations.

    2. Journaling is a form of introspection that helps individuals process their emotions.

    3. Introspection allows us to reflect on our experiences and learn from them.

2 | Evaluate

  • Part of speech: Verb

  • Definition: To assess or judge the quality, value, or significance of something.

  • Example Sentences:

    1. It's important to regularly evaluate your progress in achieving language-learning goals.

    2. Managers often evaluate employees' performance to provide constructive feedback.

    3. Evaluating your strengths and weaknesses is a key aspect of self-reflection.

3 | Ponder

  • Part of speech: Verb

  • Definition: To think about or consider something deeply and thoroughly.

  • Example Sentences:

    1. As the year ends, people often ponder their achievements and areas for improvement.

    2. Take some time to ponder the meaning and purpose of your actions.

    3. Pondering life's big questions can lead to personal growth.

4 | Reflective

  • Part of speech: Adjective

  • Definition: Characterized by careful thought or consideration.

  • Example Sentences:

    1. A reflective journal allows individuals to capture and explore their thoughts.

    2. Engaging in reflective practices enhances problem-solving skills.

    3. Being reflective helps in making informed decisions.

5 | Meditate

  • Part of speech: Verb

  • Definition: To engage in contemplation or reflection, often for spiritual or relaxation purposes.

  • Example Sentences:

    1. Many people meditate to achieve a state of mental clarity and calmness.

    2. Taking a few minutes to meditate each day can reduce stress and increase focus.

    3. Meditation is a powerful tool for self-reflection and mindfulness.


Self-reflection is like a personal adventure where you look inside, think about things, and consider how you're doing. It's about evaluating yourself, pondering life's questions, and being reflective, like looking in a mirror to understand yourself better. Additionally, the act of meditating provides a tranquil space for introspection, which can then guide us towards mental clarity. All in all, with the elements listed above, self-reflection becomes a powerful tool for understanding yourself and growing as a person.

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